I have a wide range of experience designing websites, products, games, posters and logos.

Here are some of my Design examples

Tasked with designing a site that embodided the spirit of the game, I created a website for Night Quest

With an online store, videos and card gallery, the whole site fit quite nicely with the style of the branding.

You can check out the site here:

I created a platform design for a new Crypto Currency brand that wanted to catch the interest of investors and curreny creators.

Using a neon accented colour pallette for the main design, I focussed on implementing similar UI layouts to other popular platforms on the market.

Designing the characters, packaging and cards for the game ‘Night Quest’ was one of my favourite projects to date.

I had the chance to be super creative with character poses and font choices to fit an medieval theme.

I have a wide range of experience creating logo designs for all types of businesses and projects.

I really enjoy playing with shapes, fonts and colour combinations to acheive the desired results for my clients.

NXGEN gave me a unique opportunity to create something a little more flashy.

The branding had an almost space aged theme to it which I really enjoyed playing around with.

I like to introduce organic imagery where I can to break up the more serious tone.